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The CREATE PREDICTOR statement is used to train new model. The basic syntax for training the model is:

CREATE PREDICTOR predictor_name
FROM integration_name 
(SELECT column_name, column_name2 FROM table_name) as ds_name
PREDICT column_name as column_alias;
  • CREATE PREDICTOR predictor_name - where predictor_name is the name of the model.
  • FROM integration_name (select column_name FROM table_name) - where integration_name is the name of the datasource, where (select column_name FROM table_name) is the SELECT statement for selecting the data. If you want to change the default name of the datasource you can use the alias as ds_name.
  • PREDICT column_name - where column_name is the column name of the target variable. If you want to change the name of the target variable you can use the as column_alias.

Example Data

The bellow database table contains prices of properties from a metropolitan area in the US. This table will be used in all of the docs examples.

number_of_rooms number_of_bathrooms sqft location days_on_market initial_price neighborhood rental_price
0 1 484 great 10 2271 south_side 2271
1 1 674 good 1 2167 downtown 2167
0 1 529 great 3 2431 south_side 2431
3 2 1219 great 3 5510 south_side 5510
1 1 398 great 11 2272 south_side 2272

Create Predictor example

This example shows how you can train the Machine Learning Model called house_price_model to predict the rentals price from the above data.

CREATE PREDICTOR house_price_model
FROM db_integration (SELECT * FROM house_rentals_data) as rentals
PREDICT rental_price as price;

ORDER BY keyword

The ORDER BY keyword is used to order the data by descending(DESC) or ascending(ASC) order. The default order will always be ASC

CREATE PREDICTOR predictor_name
FROM integration_name 
(SELECT column_name, column_name2 FROM table_name) as ds_name
PREDICT column_name as column_alias
ORDER BY column_name column_name2 ASC OR DESC;

ORDER BY ASC example

The following example trains the new house_price_model model which predicts the rental_price and orders the data in ascending order by the number of days on the market.

CREATE PREDICTOR house_price_model
FROM db_integration (SELECT * FROM house_rentals_data) as rentals
PREDICT rental_price as price
ORDER BY days_on_market ASC;


The following example trains the new house_price_model model which predicts the rental_price and orders the data in descending order by the number of days on the market.

CREATE PREDICTOR house_price_model
FROM db_integration (SELECT * FROM house_rentals_data) as rentals
PREDICT rental_price as price
ORDER BY days_on_market DESC;

GROUP BY statement

The GROUP BY statement is used to group the rows that contain the same values into one row.

CREATE PREDICTOR predictor_name
FROM integration_name 
(SELECT column_name, column_name2 FROM table_name) as ds_name
PREDICT column_name as column_alias
GROUP BY column_name;

GROUP BY example

The following example trains the new house_price_model model which predicts the rental_price and groups the data per location(good, great).

CREATE PREDICTOR house_price_model
FROM db_integration 
(SELECT * FROM house_rentals_data) as rentals
PREDICT rental_price as price
GROUP BY location;

USING keyword

The USING keyword accepts arguments as a JSON format where additional arguments can be provided to the CREATE PREDICTOR statement as:

  • stop_train_in_x_seconds - Stop model training after X seconds.
  • use_gpu - Switch between training on CPU or GPU(True|False).
  • sample_margin_of_error - The ammount of random sampling error in results (0 - 1)
  • ignore_columns - Columns to be removed from the model training.
  • is_timeseries - Training from time series data (True|False).
CREATE PREDICTOR predictor_name
FROM integration_name 
(SELECT column_name, column_name2 FROM table_name) as ds_name
PREDICT column_name as column_alias
USING {"ignore_columns": "column_name3"}

USING example

The following example trains the new house_price_model model which predicts the rental_price and removes the number of bathrooms.

CREATE PREDICTOR house_price_model
FROM db_integration 
(SELECT * FROM house_rentals_data) as rentals
PREDICT rental_price as price
USING {"ignore_columns": "number_of_bathrooms"}

Time Series keywords

To train a timeseries model, MindsDB provides additional keywords. * WINDOW - keyword specifies the number of rows to "look back" into when making a prediction after the rows are ordered by the order_by column and split into groups. Could be used to specify something like "Always use the previous 10 rows". * HORIZON - keyword specifies the number of future predictions.

CREATE PREDICTOR predictor_name
FROM db_integration 
(SELECT column_name, column_name2 FROM table_name) as ds_name
PREDICT column_name as column_alias
GROUP BY column_name
USING {"is_timeseries": "Yes"}
