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Connect your data

The recommended way to connect MindsDB to your data store is through MindsDB Studio.

Bellow you can find the list with the current supported integrations.

SQL NoSQL Streams Data Warehouse
Connect MySQL Connect MongoDB Connect Redis Connect Snowflake
Connect PostgreSQL Connect ScyllaDB Connect Kafka -
Connect MariaDB - - -
Connect Clickhouse - - -
Connect Cassandra - - -
Connect SQL Server - - -
Connect Singlestore - - -
Connect CockroachDB - - -

If you want to connect without using the MindsDB Studio, here you can find the specific database configuration example.

Connect to database

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Database Integration.
  2. Click on the ADD DATABASE button.
  3. In the Connect to Database modal window:
    1. Select the Supported Database that you want to connect to.
    2. Add the Database name.
    3. Add the Hostname.
    4. Add Port.
    5. Add the database user.
    6. Add Password for the user.
    7. Click on CONNECT.

Connect to database

After connecting MindsDB and the database you are ready to train new model using SQL syntax.
